Add Internet Capability to Your TV
And Get An EXTRA BLAST From Your Old TV or Computer!
Package Includes (client charge is 1 hour):
or a New Linux Installation (saving old data adds an hour charge) - Your Current Television or Monitor - Your Current Keyboard and Mouse - Additional Parts, if needed (best retail cost for the item): 1. A New or Upgraded Desktop Computer 2. New Television or Monitor 3. New Wireless Keyboard and Mouse 4. Adapter for TV/Monitor - Additional Services, if needed (added on a "per hour" basis) 1. Save Old Data 2. Troubleshooting (when agreed to by client) |
Add Android Instead (product plus 1 hour):- Full Browser
- Wireless Keyboard and Mouse - Access to the Google Play Store - Additional Parts and/or Services, if needed (listed down and to the left) Add AppleTV Instead (product plus 1 hour):- Access to iTunes
- Additional Parts and/or Services, if needed (listed to the left) Call (914) 912-5124 now to get more information or to get started! |
EXTRA BLAST Technology is not responsible for any costs incurred due to a misunderstanding of the information listed above.